The Crying of Lot 49 Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Oedipa sat on the earth, ass getting cold, wondering whether, as Driblette had suggested that night from the shower, some version of herself hadn't vanished with him. Perhaps her mind would go on flexing psychic muscles that no longer existed; would be betrayed and mocked by a phantom self as the amputee is by a phantom limb. (6.81)

Why do you think Oedipa is so drawn to Driblette? How do people live on in our memories after we lose them, like "a phantom limb"?

Quote #8

"Because it may be a practical joke for you, but it stopped being one for me a few hours ago. I got drunk and went driving on these freeways. Next time I may be more deliberate. For the love of God, human life, whatever you respect, please Help me." (6.138)

Why is it that the only person Oedipa can reach out to at the end of the novel is the anonymous Inamorati Anonymous member, a man trying to kick the addiction to love?

Quote #9

She stood between the public booth and the rented car, in the night, her isolation complete, and tried to face the sea. But she'd lost her bearings. (6.143)

How did Oedipa get to this position? Why is it only now that she can have the realization she does about the nature of America?