Vortigern Timeline and Summary


Vortigern Timeline and Summary

  • Vortigern meets with the lesser kings of Britain to shore up his support against his enemies—who are many.
  • Vortigern faces a revolt led by his son Vortimer & Friends and successfully suppresses it.
  • Vortigern sends his henchmen to find a lad who has no earthly father (i.e., Merlin) to sacrifice for his tower's walls.
  • Vortigern also summons Niniane to confirm that Merlin's father is, in fact, a demon.
  • Vortigern and company head out to the ruins of the tower so that Merlin can figure out the problem—or be sacrificed if he can't.
  • Vortigern follows Merlin down into the mineshaft under his tower and sees the pool. Merlin prophesies for him.
  • After seeing the signs of the two dragons, Vortigern takes Merlin's advice and flees.
  • Vortigern shuts himself in Doward Castle to face Ambrosius. He (or Rowena) has Ambrosius' messenger mutilated.
  • Ambrosius burns Vortigern to death in his castle.