The Crystal Cave Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Crystal Cave.

Supernatural Quotes

I looked up. The blue eyes, fierce as a fox, stared down into mine. I held it [the apricot] out to him. "I don't want it. It's black inside. Look, you can see right through." (I.2.110)

Fear Quotes

Not a shriek of pain, but worse, the sound of a man in mortal fear. I thought the cry contained a word, as if the terror was shaped, but it was no word that I knew. The scream rose unbearably, as i...

Fate and Free Will Quotes

"The gods only go with you, Cerdic, if you put yourself in their path." (I.8.30)

Memory and the Past Quotes

Even to myself I had hardly admitted what came sometimes with light and fire; dreams, I had told myself, memories from below memory, figments of the brain only, like the voice which had told me of...

Religion Quotes

[…] the best building in Maridunum was the Christian nunnery near the palace on the river's bank. A few holy women lived there, calling themselves the Community of St. Peter, though most of the t...

Power Quotes

He was not a man one could love easily, certainly not a man to like, but a man either to hate or to worship. You either fought him, or followed him. But it had to be one or the other; once you came...

Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

"I have heard things, I admit it. And sometimes people talk over your head, not noticing you're there, or not thinking you understand. But at other times"—I paused—"it's as if something spoke t...

Duty Quotes

[…] it was not the homecoming that made my spirits lift, but the fact that at last I had a job to do for Ambrosius. If I could not yet do a prophet's work for him, at least I could do a man's wor...

Ambition Quotes

"[…] Vortimer is raising troops of his own. They say he would like to be High King, and that Vortigern looks like having a rebellion on his hands when he can least afford it. The Queen's much hat...

Versions of Reality Quotes

The cave was bigger than I had imagined. It stretched upwards further than I could see, and the floor was worn smooth. I had even been wrong about the crystals; the glimmer that reflected the torch...