Les Liaisons dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons) Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Letter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

You would laugh to see how openly she preaches at me. She wishes, she says, to convert me. (1.6.5)

Valmont finds Madame de Tourvel's doomed attempt to convert him humorous precisely because she is entirely unsubtle about it. Whereas he is set on manipulating her—secretly scheming to make her fall in love with him—she wants him to change his ways with a free and informed decision.

Quote #2

Even more treacherous and dangerous than he is charming and fascinating, he has never, since his early youth, taken a single step or spoken a single word without some dishonourable or criminal intention. (1.9.2)

In trying to warn Madame de Tourvel about Valmont, Madame de Volanges sums him up perfectly. He's more than just a bad guy; he's intentionally bad. His charm and wit are only used in the service of evil motives. See "psychopath."

Quote #3

Do not leave me in the delirium into which you have thrown me: lend me your reason, since you have deprived me of mine. (1.24.2)

Valmont pretends that Madame de Tourvel has control over him, but his words are meant to coerce her emotionally into doing his will.