Daniel Deronda Foreignness and 'The Other' Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Mr. Bult was not surprised that Klesmer's opinions should be flighty, but was astonished at his command of English idiom and his ability to put a point in a way that would have told at a constituents' dinner—to be accounted for probably by his being a Pole, or a Czech, or something of that fermenting sort, in a state of political refugeeism which had obliged him to make a profession of his music. (22.9)

While we're on the subject of 'The Other,' check out Mr. Bult's fascination with Klesmer. He seems amazed by him, but he also looks down on him – look at how he talks about Eastern Europeans as "that fermenting sort." Mr. Bult comes up with a whole story about who Klesmer is, but he doesn't actually know him.