Family Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

If I represent the pinnacle of family success for all the Jason Dessens, Jason2 represents the professional and creative apex. (11.214)

See what we mean? Jason could have easily stayed with Daniela but balked when he had to take care of his son. Or he could have fallen in love with a coworker and gotten divorced. There are many ways that his idyllic family could be much less idyllic. But the Jason we know is a good guy who seems to have made the right decisions.

Quote #8

I say, "For the first time, I think I understand how the Jason you knew might have done what he did to me." (11.345)

As Jason sees parallel versions of himself and Daniela, he starts to understand why Jason2 stole his life from him. He misses Daniela and Charlie—a whole lot—and he'd do anything to get them back, even if that requires doing things that seem straight-up immoral.

Quote #9

I am not a violent person.


But if I want my family back, there's simply no way around it.

I have to do a terrible thing. (13.73-77)

Even when Jason returns to his home universe, he's forced to consider killing other Jasons in order to get his family back. A little shady, true, but this further emphasizes his commitment and love for his family. We think. Another question: which Jason should get precedence, and why? Aren't they all technically equal?