How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
And in her head [Patty] told herself, Don't hope, don't hope for too much. (25.77)
Patty is in the same boat as Ben, just trying to survive. She has coached herself not to hope, because she almost always ends up letting herself down.
Quote #8
"Ben baby, I am the mother of your child, right? […] So get me out of town. Get us all out of town. I can't do this without you. We need to go. Head west. We can camp out somewhere, sleep in the car, whatever. Otherwise you're in jail, and I'm dead from my daddy." (30.34)
Diondra uses Ben's hopes for a good life for his daughter to manipulate him. We're not sure why she wants to get away so badly, but she takes advantage of Ben in order to do it.
Quote #9
[Ben] jammed it in his pocket, got down on his hands and knees to reach under his bed, and saw only space where the bag of clothes had been. His daughter's clothes. (32.9)
As part of his plans for the future, Ben has been stealing clothes for his daughter. Even though he's planning for the future, this is maybe a little shortsighted, because Ben doesn't see how having a sack of girls' panties in his room could be seen as creepy.