How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"I'm not welcome here," Ben mumbled. (7.36)
Ben is such an outcast, he's even bullied by a coach. Does being bullied by an adult affect Ben's self-worth more than getting humiliated by his peers, Diondra and Trey?
Quote #5
It was his body, his hair. His f***ed-up faggoty black hair. (7.41)
Ben's self-esteem is very low. He realizes that changing his hair color doesn't actually change who he is. And he hates who he is, no matter the hair color.
Quote #6
It didn't even sound like the Ben I remembered, the quiet, bundled brother of mine. (8.11)
On trial, Ben sounds totally different to Libby. But did she really ever know him at all? It seems that Ben went to great lengths to hide his identity from his own family. What part of him is the true Ben?