How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
This image wasn't quite complete. He'd deliberately left out one very frightening detail, just completely erased certain realities. (4.16)
Here, Ben is deceiving himself and the reader. Like Gillian Flynn, he leaves out the detail about Diondra's pregnancy until he can shock us with it later on.
Quote #5
I am a liar and a thief. Don't let me into your house, and if you do, don't leave me alone. I take things. (5.2)
Libby is a paradox. She's an honest liar. Can she really be considered a liar if she's telling us she's a liar?
Quote #6
"Um, like the fact that you were clearly coached, that you were in no way a credible witness, that the shrink they had assigned to you, to quote 'draw you out' was just putting words into your head." (5.35)
Barb Eichel is at least gentler with her accusations that Libby was coached. Maybe Barb feels sympathetic toward Libby because she, too, was once deceived into thinking Ben was guilty.