Das Kapital Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Das Kapital? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What's a commodity, according to Marx?

A commode
An investment in the production process
A product provided for free
A product to be bought and sold
Q. What's use-value, according to Marx?

The worth a commodity has as something you use
The worth a commodity has as something you buy or sell
The worth a commodity has when the price is unfair
He doesn't even know
Q. What's exchange-value, according to Marx?

The worth a commodity has as something you use
The worth a commodity has as something you buy or sell
The worth a commodity has when the price is unfair
He just made it up because he likes sticking hyphens in between words
Q. What's surplus-value, according to Marx?

The extra value obtained when a capitalist completes the process of selling in order to buy
The extra value obtained when a consumer completes the process of selling in order to buy
The extra value obtained when a capitalist completes the process of buying in order to sell
The savings you gain by shopping at a surplus store
Q. What's labor-power, according to Marx?

The ability of workers to strike
The solidarity of the working class
The capacity for labor
A superpower possessed by his favorite comic book hero