A Day No Pigs Would Die Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Under the tools, I saw an old cigar box that was gray with dust. Inside was a wore-down pencil stub and a scrap of old paper. Unfolding the paper, I saw where Papa had been trying to write his name. One of the "Haven Pecks" was near to perfect, and he almost had the hang of it. The paper was dry and brown, as if he had practiced for a long time. Carefully folding the paper back into just the way he had folded it, I rested it in its box and closed the lid. (15.23)

Wow, this is some sad stuff. Can't you just see Papa, in a spare moment here or there, trying so hard to write out the letters of his name? He understood all the possibilities that were closed to him because of his lack of education. No wonder he wants Rob to stay in school.