Dead End in Norvelt Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

There was a half acre of green corn that Mom had planted. She was going to sell it, then use the money to buy food for the charity dinners she cooked. (4.7)

Talk about Jack's mom being nurturing: she's actually planted an entire half acre of corn that she's going to see just so she can buy food to give away. We imagine she and Mr. Gantos have had some pretty spectacular arguments about this this plan.

Quote #5

No-body had any cash. If you wanted your house built, you helped someone build theirs, and then they would turn around and help you build yours. It was the same with everything. I'd give you eggs and you'd pay me in milk. (7.29)

Here's the "Communist Center" (as Jack's Dad would say) ethic at work. It's important to remember that the town was created for poor people to learn self-sufficiency, but trading helped reinforce community bonds. That's breaking down now, since cash has taken over as the main way to buy things—but with cash, Gantos seems to be saying, comes a really individualistic, uncharitable way of looking at the world.

Quote #6

If Spizz and those Community Center guys help us, the next thing you know they'll want to help fly my plane and share our bomb shelter. (9.41)

Jack's Dad doesn't play well with others. He's afraid that if he seeks help, he will be obligated to help others out in return, but what he doesn't see is that communities can actually be stronger if people help each other out. Hey, maybe he could even help some neighbors build their own bomb shelters!