Dead End in Norvelt Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I was thinking about that winter hunting incident and hadn't listened to a word Dad said in my bedroom, but whatever he said, I knew he was right and I nodded my head up and down to show him respect. (6.70)

Total autopilot here. Jack hasn't heard a word of what his father has said, and yet he thinks that his dad must have been right. Why might this be? What does Jack learn about respecting his dad by the end of the book? And how respectful is it, really, to agree without listening to a word your dad says?

Quote #5

Normally I wouldn't like all this kind of Mom attention, but it was my birthday and we always acted like it was her birthday too, because it was the day I was born and the day she gave birth to me. So I was as sweet to her as she was to me. (13.6)

The last thing a soon-to-be-teenaged boy wants is a major display of affection from his mother (unless it comes in the form of an Xbox). Jack recognizes, though, that his birthday is not just special for him, but it's also special for his mom. This is a nice example of the family working as a team (or at least a pair) for once.

Quote #6

Hey, I wear the pants in this family. (13.9)

Jack's mom makes a pun here, since she's just started working at the Norvelt Pants Factory, but it's pretty much true. She runs the show.