Dead Man Walking Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Few, they say, came to visit them and very few came to the funeral.

"I think everyone was denying that this sort of violent death could hit so close to home," Elizabeth says. "They didn't want to admit it had happened to Faith because then they'd have to admit that it could happen to them, and people don't want to face that." (11.18)

After their daughter was murdered, Elizabeth says, many of their friends drifted away. People are afraid of death. If people are so afraid of death, though, and if they realize it's awful, why are they willing to support the death penalty? Shouldn't they be against the death penalty and for supporting people who have had a child killed? It's easy to point fingers, maybe, but what would you do if a friend suffered a death? It's hard to know how you'd act if death came calling nearby, right?