Death in Venice True or False

1. Who says, "For beauty, Phaedrus, mark thou well, beauty and beauty alone is at once divine and visible"? -> Socrates
2. "It was the smile of Narcissus bending over the water mirror, the deep protracted smile with which he stretched out his arms to the reflection of his own beauty […]." Who is the narrator talking about here? -> Tadzio
3. "His steps followed the dictates of the demon whose delight it is to trample human reason and dignity underfoot." Who is the narrator talking about here? -> Aschenbach
4. Who uses the phrase "an intellectual, adolescent conception of manliness"? -> Aschenbach's literary critic
5. Who says, "Observing all this and much more of a like nature, one might well wonder whether the only possible heroism was the heroism of the weak"? -> The narrator
