Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's Social Media
Shmoop eavesdrops on your favorite critic's online convos.
Just finished eating a banana. Feeing guilty.
Only food in the house; didn't want to leave.
You need to deterritorialize your digestive system.
Going to read the French Senegalese writer Ahmadou Mapaté Diagne to cleanse myself
Excellent choice.
How easily you boys free yourselves from the power structures of French Imperial Capitalism.
Reading minor literature helps heal the capitalist soul.
It should disturb and change the capitalist soul.
That too.
You should stop buying bananas.
He doesn't do the shopping. Won't leave the house.
Take back your purchasing power from the imperialist machine, Gilles.
I think we're wearing him out, Michel.
Gilles, you there?
Shh, I'm reading.
Wondering where I went wrong.
I went wrong. I went left actually.
You always assume I'm talking about you.
You always wanted a son.
You needed a mentor, a father figure.
Not to kill, but to expand from.
You broke my heart!
Oh, dear.
Dr. Lacan, our idea of schizo-analysis is meant to free us from exactly this kind of anguish.
You blasphemed my beloved Freud. You glamorized mental illness.
No, schizo-analysis helps us listen to all the voices in our heads simultaneously to produce positive results.
Desire is bigger than the individual, it moves through…
You killed your father and sleep with so many women because you lacked a mother figure.
I had a perfectly fine mother.
Bury the knife deeper.
I know. I think some un-friending might be good for both of us.
[*Félix Guattari un-friended*]
Oh, there we go.
I need a nap.
Digging this whole rhizome thing.
Thanks, WB.
I wrote a sentence. It was growing horizontally, left to right, like normal, and then it hit a writer's block in my head.
I like where this is going.
I cut up the sentence and aligned the words vertically.
A rhizome travels underground horizontally, and then sends up shoots.
This new sentence burst above ground and is totally groovy.
Might I ask what the original sentence was?
A banana grows in my freezer.
Love it.
A banana grows in my freezer, then the writer'sblock.
What's the vertical, cut-up sentence?
My freezer grows in a banana.
Interesting dilemma: should you write from the freezer's point of view or from the banana's point of view?
Both at the same time, man!
Rhizomatic writing, going vertical from a horizontal blockage, reveals two points of view sharing the same space.
They're schizos, man!
Yes. Here schizo-analysis reveals two desiring-machines interacting—banana and freezer.
And I see both of them at the same time.
Not sure why, exactly.
But he understands the basic literary concept.
Little nervous here.
No worries, Gilles. I'm not losing it. I'm fine, just a little… you know.
Time for a nap, maybe?
I think that would be best.
The most evil symbol of colonial oppression ever!