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Book of Deuteronomy Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter:Verse)

Quote #1

"You shall not murder." (NRSV 5:17)

Thou shalt not kill. (KJV 5:17)

Pretty simple, right? But wait, didn't Moses kill a guy? So where do we draw the line?

Quote #2

"Neither shall you steal." (NRSV 5:19)

Thou shalt not steal. (KJV 5:19)

Here's another one that seems pretty cut and dry. But then the Israelites are told to take everything from the people in the Promised Land. Does this not count as stealing?

Quote #3

"Neither shall you bear false witness against your neighbor." (NRSV 5:20)

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. (KJV 5:20)

Even though not bearing false witness (i.e., lying) is only one of the Ten Commandments, it may be the linchpin for any legal system. After all, without truth the system falls apart, right?