The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


When it comes to sex, pretty much the only thing that's steamy in this book is the Chicago summer of 1893.

But, real talk: The Devil In The White City is messed up. If it were a movie, the MPAA would slap an R on this thing, because what it lacks in sexy-sex-sex it makes up for with a murder castle.

There are no heaving bosoms…but there are women suffocating in airtight rooms. There's no nudity…but there are human bones found in huge kilns. There's no bow-chicka-bow-bow music…but there are women getting chloroformed in the middle of the night and then killed.

So, yeah. Steaminess? Practically non-existent. But creepy, haunt-your-dreams murderousness? That's all over the place.