The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America Part II, Chapter 10 Summary

Chappell Redux

  • Back at the Holmes castle, Emeline becomes disenchanted. She no longer sees the place as one of architectural nobility. In fact, she sees it as drab and worn.
  • She announces to her apartment neighbors that she'll be leaving to spend Christmas with her family in Indiana. She hints that something has changed between her and Holmes.
  • When neighbors don't see Emeline for a while, they confront Holmes. He claims that she had a secret wedding while she was back home and decided to stay. He even shows a false wedding invitation to prove it.
  • The neighbors remain suspicious, as do Emeline's family members, who stop hearing from her.
  • Years later, a footprint etched into the enamel of Holmes' vault door will be found. It'll reveal that a woman, Emeline, suffocated in the airtight room. Yikes.