Dicey's Song Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Money worried at her the way waves worried at the shoreline, always nibbling away at the soft sand. Her money seemed to run out earlier each week. (7.26)

Dicey sees money troubles all around her, in everything she looks at. Apparently, a lack of money can color your perception of every aspect of life.

Quote #8

"You don’t go reaching out with your hand closed up," Gram said. (7.165)

Gram isn’t referring to reaching out for charity; she’s talking about reaching out for Mr. Lingerle’s friendship. But telling him they’re poor is her way of making herself vulnerable and opening up to him, which is way scary.

Quote #9

When she found Gram crashing piles of dinner plates down onto the counter and then angrily scrubbing out the cupboard with a sponge, Dicey figured the welfare check had arrived again. Whenever it came, Gram was in a bad mood for at least a day. (9.132)

Funny how getting what you need can sometimes make you feel so awful.