Dirty Dancing Scene 2 Summary

  • Baby attends a merengue dancing class with her parents.
  • Maybe she thought merengue was a pie, because she's terrible at dancing.
  • The men and women dance in a circle before pairing off.
  • Baby ends up dancing with a little old lady in a sun hat. Not the summer fling she was hoping for.
  • That night, Baby leaves the cabin to go exploring the resort grounds.
  • She eavesdrops on a staff meeting at the big house.
  • The boss is giving the waiters a stern talking to, in which he tells them to show all the daughters a good time, "even the dogs." Charming.
  • This meeting is interrupting by a sunglass-wearing stud who is the head of the entertainment staff. Hello-o-o, Patrick Swayze.
  • Johnny's told to dance with the daughters and nothing else. All dancing, no dirty.