Dirty Dancing Resources


A Dirty Website

The Dirty Dancing website is completely safe for work.

Book or TV Adaptations


Before working in The Office, Melora Hardin (Jan) played Baby in the short-lived Dirty Dancing TV series.

Little Miss Sunshine

We got to know Abigail Breslin almost when she was a baby. Now we'll get to know her as Baby in the live TV musical of Dirty Dancing.

Articles and Interviews

Bittersweet Memoir-ies

In Patrick Swayze's memoir, he recalls some pain from the Dirty Dancing set, and not from the dancing either. Jennifer Grey annoyed him by acting too much like her character's nickname.

One and Done

If we were doing the iconic lift, we'd want nets, air bags, and a safety harness. Jennifer Grey threw herself into Patrick Swayze's arms once, and never did the lift again.

A Feminist Take on Dirty Dancing

Decades after she wrote the film, Eleanor Bergstein finds herself surprised at how many women related to Baby and her effort to define herself on her own terms in spite of social pressures from all sides.

Behind the Scenes

HuffPost answers all your burning question about the film.

Happy 25th Birthday

Jennifer Grey looks back on the film on the 25th anniversary of its release.

More Inside Info

Here's what Moviefone thinks thinks you should know about DD.

Shades of Grey

Jennifer remembers Patrick.


Swayze Dancing

Jane Fonda wasn't the only one getting fit in the 80s. The whole Swayze family teaches you to get crazy with Swayze in this video from 1988.

Imitation Dirt

Something's a little off in the opening for the Dirty Dancing show from the 80s. No wonder it didn't last. This is hardly the time of 30 minutes, much less the time of your life.

Not Another Remake—Please

Jennifer Grey has some ideas about who'd she cast in a—perish the thought—remake.

Grey Spills to Diane Sawyer

Baby reflects on the film's 25th anniversary and why people went gaga over the movie.

Swayze Speaks

Our boy talks about what it was like working with Jennifer Grey and making the film. It's one of his last interviews.

What You Didn't See

Here's a compilation of deleted scenes. Why they'd delete anything with Patrick Swayze in it we just can't understand.

Patrick in His Prime

Swayze talks about the making of DD. This is how we like to remember him.


He's Like the Wind

Swayze's "She's Like the Wind" plays in the background of one scene. Put it in the foreground. No one puts Swayze in the background.

The Time of His Life

Swayze narrates his memoir, which he published shortly before his death. R.I.P. Patrick.



This minimalist poster strikes the perfect balance.

"I Posted a Watermelon"

This minimalist poster, on the other hand, takes a cheekier tone.

Speaking of Watermelons…

That awkward moment.


If a picture is worth a thousand words, this one's a dissertation.