Disgrace Hate Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I have met him, he might respond. A right little prick, he might add. But he too is well brought up. (20.40)

David returns to Cape Town only to encounter a smug, successful young professor, Dr. Otto, who has taken over David's office. Here we find David longing to verbally slam this guy, but here in the city politeness keeps people from speaking badly about the people they hate.

Quote #8

Ryan is speaking. "Let her alone, man! Melanie will spit in your eye if she sees you." (21.71)

Ooh, harsh. Is it possible that Melanie's real opinion isn't being represented, and Ryan is playing the jealous boyfriend? Or do you think Melanie truly hates David?

Quote #9

He drives back slowly along the Main Road in Green Point. Spit in your eye: he had not expected that. His hand on the steering wheel is trembling. The shocks of existence: he must learn to take them more lightly. (21.72)

Here we get David's reaction to finding out that Melanie reportedly hates him. For someone who has lost his job in response to a complaint from this girl, doesn't he seem a bit surprised? Do you get the feeling that he's tried to convince himself that she was pressured into filing that complaint?