Dover Beach Resources


Overview of Arnold's Life and Work

If you want to know more about Arnold's life and his other poems, this essay is a great place to start.

Victorian Web

Check out this super handy site, jam-packed with good information on Arnold, who was one of the major writers of the Victorian age.


Creepy Animated Matthew Arnold

Some computer genius has made a bunch of these videos, turning a still photo into a kind of talking picture. We sort of can't get enough of them, even though they totally weird us out, too.

Sophocles' Oedipus Rex

A full video of one of Sophocles' great plays. Epic masks, right?


"Dover Beach" as Opera

Apparently the composer Samuel Barber set the poem to music. The effect is a little strange, but it makes a fun change.

A Reading of "Dover Beach"

It's always a good idea to listen to a poem read out loud. We always feel like we understand a poem better when it's well read, as it is here.


Photograph of Matthew Arnold


Portrait of Arnold

This painting of Arnold is by the painter George Frederick Watts. We think it captures his bummer essence.