- Quarrel has spotted the dragon.
- He fetches Bond and Honey and leads them to the swamp where he witnessed it.
- It appears to be a big vehicle with a hood-mounted flamethrower, and paint on the front to look like big sharp teeth.
- Bond and Quarrel shoot at the vehicle, but the dragon torches Quarrel to death.
- Men emerge from the dragon and take Honey and Bond captive.
- Inside No's lair, all the men wear radiation suits.
- They say that Bond and Honey are contaminated from being in the swamp, and they strip them and scrub them.
- At least they get fluffy blue robes at the end of the process.
- Freshly decontaminated, they are admitted into Dr. No's subterranean lair by two women dressed in white nurse's clothes—Sister Rose and Sister Lily.
- The sisters tell Bond he's been invited to dinner with Dr. No. How cordial.
- In the meantime, Bond and Honey are admitted to two fancy bedrooms. One even has a bookshelf built into the wall!
- We wish we were being held captive by a mad criminal mastermind.