Dragonwings Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Father] hung his head for the longest time, staring down at his hands. I could only think of some immortal who had suddenly woken one morning to find himself in a man's body and realized he was being punished. For the second time in my life, I made an important decision to be with him.

"I want to fly too, Father," I said. (10.173-174)

Moon Shadow stands with his dad when he senses that Uncle has discouraged him. It is only with Moon Shadow's support that Windrider believes in himself.

Quote #5

Uncle looked at us, both hurt and confused. "Why?" he asked. "Why?"

"It's something we both have to do," I tried to explain, but it was like trying to describe colors to a blind man.

Uncle shoved his chair away from us and got up. "Get away from me," he said. (10.187-189)

When Yep writes that "it was like trying to describe colors to a blind man," he suggests that faith is not something that one can teach or explain. All it takes for one to believe in someone else's dream is the decision to have faith in them.

Quote #6

I was proud of Father for wanting to be a dragon again, and even prouder of the fact that he was now so close to achieving his ambition to fly. I was just sorry that we had not been able to combine his more lofty goals with the more ordinary dream of seeing Mother. (11.62)

Moon Shadow hints at frustration with his father for holding his own ambitious dream over the shared family dream of being together.