Dragonwings Foreignness and 'The Other' Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The founder [of the Company] had written: "The three virtues of the Stranger are to be silent, to be cunning, but above all to be invisible." (2.51)

The Company's mantra that Uncle upholds instructs its members to be invisible in the foreign land. And yet, how does this advice prove both difficult and damaging?

Quote #5

I stared at the brick as it slid across the clean, worn, wooden floor, and at the glass that scattered about my feet. Outside I could hear jeers and shouts. For one moment I glimpsed howling, sweating, red-and-white faces, distorted into hideous masks of hatred and cruelty, a sea of demon heads that bobbed restlessly outside our store. I could not understand the words they were growling out, but their intention was plain. They wanted to burn and loot and hurt. Looking into that huge mass of faces was like looking into the ugliest depths of the human soul. (2.89)

Moon Shadow's first experience of a group of supposed demons is after this hate crime on his first night in America. This moment foreshadows the problems he will face when it comes to groups of non-Chinese people, yet belies the friendships that will develop between Moon Shadow and individuals like Miss Whitlaw and Robin.

Quote #6

Because a demon can help or harm you, there is no way of telling if a demon might be testing you before he will reward you or whether he is trying to trick you. (4.34)

Moon Shadow's assessment of demons when Father and he encounter Mr. Alger is similar to the way he speaks of dragons. To him, demons are largely supernatural creatures before he actually speaks with some (the Whitlaws) and befriends them.