Dragonwings Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

And all of a sudden I saw that if life seems awfully petty most of the time, every now and then there is something noble and beautiful and almost pure that lifts us suddenly out of the pettiness and lets us share in it a little. It did not matter whether Father flew or not. It was enough that the Company had come. (12.75)

Moon Shadow realizes that the goal of flying is not nearly as amazing as the uncalled-for support of friends. Friendship is the bigger dream that "lifts" Moon Shadow before Dragonwings even moves a propeller.

Quote #11

I think the reason Uncle had originally been so strict with Father was that he thought of Father as his spiritual son. He hoped that Windrider would be everything that Uncle had once wished Black Dog to be. And like any parent with a child, Uncle was hurt and angry when Windrider did not behave as Uncle wanted. But then, with Dragonwings, Uncle came to accept the fact that he was not always right. (12.150)

After Black Dog's death, Moon Shadow realizes that Uncle's tough love is a sign of affection. Uncle realizes that there is worse disobedience than pursuing a dream.