Dragonwings The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Uncle planted his feet firmly on the ground and folded his arms across his chest. "I'm staying."

Hand Clap planted his feet just as firmly. "Then I'm staying too," he announced.

"So am I," Lefty said.

"Yes, we'll all stay," Father said.

Uncle glared around at all of us. He was not used to being disobeyed. He scratched his jaw then angrily for some time. Finally he grumbled. "Well, someone with sense better nursemaid the lot of you young rascals. Put my chair on the wagon, but mind you don't scratch it." (10.31-35)

At first, Uncle refuses to leave the building he has called home for so long. It is not until all of his best friends stand with him that he realizes that the people, relationships, and sense of home he's developed in the building are more valuable than the building itself.

Quote #8

The Tang people had tried to gather into a group. I saw some tents here and there – for the most part, old ones with patches on them, or tents improvised out of sheets. There was a particularly dazzling one with bright purple silk sheets. Father and I both recognized them as sheets that we used to pick up from a demon millionaire. I suppose Hand Clap had picked them up a few days ago and they had been cleaned but not returned. Out of some perverse pride, Uncle had told them to use those sheets for the tent. (10.38)

Uncle Bright Star makes the most out of a bad situation by boldly using luxurious fabric when they create a temporary home space in Golden Gate Park. His action shows a sense of respect and propriety for any home he inhabits.

Quote #9

Eventually I wound up running our household, or maybe our barnhold is a better word. Among other things, I planned our meals, washed our clothes, kept the barn as clean as I could under the circumstances, and oversaw the budget once Father showed me how to do it. That left Father all his free time to work on flying. (11.16)

Moon Shadow takes on the role of homemaker in order for his father to pursue the dream. This could suggest that Moon Shadow and Father consider flying a contribution to homemaking. This could also suggest that Father does not consider the project of flying as related to that of homemaking and leaves the housework for Moon Shadow to do.