Dreaming in Cuban Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


Dreaming in Cuban deals with issues of sexuality (budding or out of control) in a fairly forthright manner, despite the beauty and euphemism of its poetic language. Take a look at this passage from Pilar's description of her awakening sexuality:

I like to lie on my back and let the shower rain down on me full force. If I move my hips to just the right position, it feels great, like little explosions on a string. (26-27)

Then, there is this little controversy, which was sparked in Sierra Vista, Arizona after a parent complained about the "pornographic" passage in which Felicia and Hugo engage in vigorous sexual play.

The book has its moments of frank sexuality: Lourdes' frightening sexual appetite, Hugo Villaverde's penchant for prostitutes and abuse, Felicia's masturbating to fantasies about El Líder, and the various scenes of rape and sexual assault. However, we are meant to understand these experiences deeply from the characters' points-of-view—the sexuality is not gratuitous or prurient. Now put aside that Fifty Shades of Grey and do your homework.