History of Drugs in America Websites

PBS's Frontline produced a four-hour documentary called "Drug Wars," an in-depth investigation of the social, political, and international effects of the War on Drugs over the past several decades. The accompanying website includes transcripts of the documentary, along with a great deal of extra content, including access to primary sources.

The Office of National Drug Control Policy is ground zero in the federal government's efforts to win the War on Drugs. The ONDCP's website is the best starting point for an understanding of contemporary government policy on drugs.

National Geographic offers an online exhibit on the history of coffee. The section on "Coffee Legends" is particularly interesting; check out the Ethiopian legend about how a poor goatherd discovered coffee's magical properties after he noticed his goats "dancing from one coffee shrub to another."

The Yale Center for the Study of Globalization provides a nice, brief overview of tobacco's place in the history of the modern world.