Family Quotes in Dune

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Gurney's a romantic," the Duke growled. This talk of killing suddenly disturbed him, coming from his son. "I'd sooner you never had to kill… but if the need arises, you do it however you can—tip or edge." (6.69)

Poor Leto. It's his duty to his son and his family to make sure Paul is ready to face whatever the world throws at him. Unfortunately, that's not just teaching Paul to drive stick. It's also teaching him how to properly kill a man.

Quote #5

Abruptly, [Yueh] stiffened, whirled with mustache flopping over his purpled lips. "Forgive me, my Lady! My thoughts were far away… I … did not mean to be familiar." [Jessica] smiled, held out her right hand. For a moment, she was afraid he might kneel. "Wellington, please." (8.7-8)

Jessica's willingness for Yueh to be on such common ground with her shows him to be a part of the family. Of course, that just makes his inevitable betrayal all the more poignant and tragic.

Quote #6

"[…] I've walked the future, I've looked at a record, I've seen a place, I have all the data. We're Harkonnens."
"A… renegade branch of the family," [Jessica] said. "That's it, isn't it? Some Harkonnen cousin who—"
"You're the Baron's own daughter," [Paul] said, and watched the way she pressed her hands to her mouth. (22.176-178)

Wow, talk about family drama. Lady Jessica learns of her heritage. In a society that places so much emphasis on genealogy and bloodlines, that's a whopper of a revelation.