Richie Timeline and Summary


Richie Timeline and Summary

  • Richie starts dating Eleanor's mom when Eleanor's about twelve
  • He completely loses his temper because Eleanor won't stop playing with her typewriter, so he throws the typewriter into the wall. It seems he might have done something violent to Eleanor if Eleanor's mom hadn't taken her to a neighbor's.
  • While Eleanor's away, Richie possibly molests her sister Maisie.
  • He Keeps Eleanor's mom home alone in the house, forbids her from driving, and stays at the Broken Rail every night himself.
  • Then he comes home and abuses Eleanor's mom, while the kids try to stay away if at all possible. 
  • Richie completely loses it and drives around the neighborhood hunting for Eleanor when he finds out about Park. 
  • Months later, Richie drives home too drunk to stand up, where Park finds him and kicks dirt in his face.