Electra Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Line). We used Lewis Campbell's translation.

Quote #4

unless she hear one say
"Orestes will arrive": then standing close,
She shouts like one possessed into mine ear,
'These are your doings, this your work, I trow.
You stole Orestes from my gripe, and placed
His life with fosterers; but you shall pay
Full penalty." (293-297)

We see that Clytemnestra is living in fear. In some way, then, at least psychologically, she is pursued by the Furies for her actions.

Quote #5

for not I alone
But Justice slew him; (527-8)

What meaning does "justice" take on in this context?

Quote #6

Come, let me question thee! On whose behalf
Slew he my child? Was 't for the Argive host? (534-5)

Agamemnon's reasons for sacrificing Iphigenia are almost as important to Clytemnestra, as the sacrifice itself.