An Enemy of the People Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used R. Farquharson Sharp's translation.

Quote #7

Mrs. Stockmann: "if you go on defying him […] You will find yourself again without the means of subsistence, with no income to count upon." (2.321)

At this point in the play, Mrs. Stockmann thinks money is way more important than her husband's high-minded ideals. Is she wrong? The Doctor is putting his whole family in jeopardy by defying his brother over the Baths. Is it right for Dr. Stockmann to condemn his family to possible starvation, whatever the reason?

Quote #8

Billing: "It is an infernal nuisance that we don't possess some capital to trade on." (3.90)

Billing and Hovstad are trapped by their lack of money. They just can't run the paper without it. It is because of this that the Mayor is able to so easily manipulate them later on.

Quote #9

Mayor Peter Stockmann: "If the town wants these very extensive alterations, it will have to pay for them." (3.223)

The Mayor knows that it all comes down to money. He knows that he can win everybody to his side just by pointing out that his brother's plan to renovate the Baths will cost the town a fortune. It takes him no time at all to turn everyone against his brother, all for the love of money.