How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I do not belong to either the Varden or the Empire. Nor do I owe allegiance to any man but myself." (38.8)
Murtagh: loner extraordinaire. Though we get more of Murtagh's back-story later in the novel, he appears initially as a man who is utterly without a home, save for himself. Like a snail, he seems to carry his home with him wherever he goes. He's way more deadly than your average snail, though. Do you think Murtagh's independence, not being tied to a home, is a benefit or a drawback for him?
Quote #8
Their surroundings were so foreign—it struck him for the first time exactly how far he was from home. A destroyed home, but still where his heart lay. (53.85)
In Tronjheim, surrounded by strangers, Eragon is struck full force by how far he's come. Even though his home is nothing more than matchsticks, thanks to those creepy Ra'zac, he still longs for it. What do you think Eragon misses, exactly? Is it the people? The scenery? Customs? All of it?
Quote #9
Durza as a young boy living as a nomad with his parents on the empty plains. […] Only it was not Durza then, but Carsaib. (58.67)
Just before he plunges his sword into his heart, Eragon is granted access to the Shade's memories via mental link. Does Durza the Shade's memories of home somehow make him less of a monster in your eyes? Does his fond attachment to home make him more human? Do you pity him in this moment? Or do you still wish the creep would get his just desserts?