How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Yes, a dragon will live for quite a while, forever, in fact, as long as it isn't killed and its Rider doesn't die." (6.54)
So Saphira's also got the supernatural power of living forever—provided that she and Eragon are not killed. Does that mean that Eragon gets to live forever?
Quote #8
An idea, a revelation slowly wormed its way through his mind. He, Eragon—farm boy of Palancar Valley—had used magic. Magic! It was the only word for what had happened. (19.26)
So he's not such a regular guy after all, eh? As Eragon soon learns, though, his supernatural powers bring a lot of super-stressful baggage with them. Would you want to have magic powers if it meant that you had to rush out and save the world with them?
Quote #9
"I loathe Shades—they practice the most unholy magic, after necromancy." (54.29)
Ooh, burn. Take that Durza. No Christmas card from Angela for you. Here Angela shows us that there are good supernatural powers, like hers (reading fortunes, healing the sick and the wounded), and evil supernatural powers, like the Shade's (summoning spirits from dark, unholy regions). It's a continuation of the struggle of good against evil. (For more on that idea, mosey on over to "Themes: Good vs. Evil." Then hightail it on back here.)