E.T. Alienation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

Quote #4

ELLIOTT: Dad would believe me.

MOM: Maybe you ought to call your father and tell him about it.

ELLIOTT: I can't. He's in Mexico with Sally.

GERTIE: Where's Mexico?

Even though Pops skipped town with Sally, Elliott holds out hope that his deadbeat dad will believe him. Why? And where is Mexico anyway?

Quote #5

GERTIE: Is he a boy or a girl?

ELLIOTT: He's a boy.

Elliott is adamant that E.T. is a boy, just like him, finally giving him somebody with whom he can identify. Aw.

Quote #6

TYLER: Hey, Elliot. Where's your goblin?

MICHAEL: Shut up.

STEVE: Did he come back? […]

ELLIOTT: Yeah, he came back, but he's not a goblin. He's a spaceman.

STEVE: Ooh, as in extra-terrestrial!

TYLER: Where's he from—Uranus? Get it? Your anus?

That Tyler is a regular laugh riot. Here's the thing: His jokes may be stale, but that doesn't make them contribute to Elliott's sense of isolation any less.