E.T. Language & Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

Quote #4

GERTIE: I taught him how to talk now. He can talk now. […]

ELLIOTT: E.T. Can you say that? Can you say "E.T."? E.T.

E.T.: Eee. Tee.

[ELLIOTT laughs ecstatically]

E.T.: E.T! E.T! E.T.! Be good.

GERTIE: "Be good"! I taught him that, too.

We're not going to lie: Gertie's the last person we would've pegged to be E.T.'s English teacher. But she embraces the role wholeheartedly. After all, she's still learning to communicate herself.

Quote #5

E.T.: E.T. phone home.

MICHAEL: My god, he's talking now.

E.T.: Home.

E.T.'s vocabulary is small, but powerful. He needs to make contact with his home planet, and he needs to make contact pronto.

Quote #6

MICHAEL: Stop that. No, don't. It's a fake knife. It's a fake.

Miscommunication can lead to hilarious results, as it does here, when E.T. mistakes Michael's Halloween costume for a real injury, and Michael struggles to communicate to E.T. that he's okay and doesn't need E.T.'s healing touch—especially not at this moment when they're trying to sneak E.T. past Mom.