E.T. Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

Quote #4

DOCTOR: Has it lost any hair?

GERTIE: He never had any hair.

The pronoun choices in this brief exchange reveal a lot about the varying attitudes toward E.T. The doctor refers to E.T. as an "it," while Gertie, seemingly over her toe prejudice, refers to E.T. as a "he."

Quote #5

DOCTOR: He's got DNA!

This unnamed doctor may refer to E.T. as a "he," but he is straight-up shocked that E.T. has DNA. Why?

Quote #6

GERTIE: He's not going to hurt you, Mom.

MICHAEL: He's not going to hurt you.

MOM: Michael, get her downstairs!

GERTIE: He's the man from the moon! The man from the moon!

(MOM carries ELLIOTT out of the bathroom.)

ELLIOTT: You don't know him! You don't know him!

This exchange embodies the importance of appearances. Here's why: When Mom first meets E.T., he's dying on her bathroom floor. Not exactly the best first impression. She's scared, she's suspicious, and she doesn't want to listen to what the kids have to say. (In other words, her reaction is pretty typical of all of the adults in the film when they first encounter E.T.) Meanwhile, the kids have already gotten to know him at this point and are confident that he's not a threat.