Evangeline Religion Quotes

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Quote #4

Told her that God was in heaven, and governed the world He created!
Then she remembered the tale she had heard of the justice of Heaven;
Soothed was her troubled soul, and she peacefully slumbered till morning. (521-523)

This is not the last time that religion will help Evangeline get some sleep. It's a source of ongoing comfort for her and, brother, is she going to need it.

Quote #5

Foremost the young men came; and, raising together their voices,
Sang with tremulous lips a chant of the Catholic Missions:—
'Sacred heart of the Saviour! O inexhaustible fountain!
Fill our hearts this day with strength and submission and patience!' (546-549)

As they file out of the church and head off toward their exile, the men of the village chant a religious prayer, asking for patience. We'd forgive them if they went out and brained the English soldiers with the nearest bunch of rocks they could find. After all, this is their home that's being stolen. But that's not the type of people these villagers are. Religion gives them another way.