How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Father toils for a travel agency, denominated Heritage Touring. It is for Jewish people, like the hero, who have cravings to leave that ennobled country America and visit humble towns in Poland and Ukraine. (1.5)
The name "Heritage Touring" is important, because that clues us in to the whole purpose of this quest: for Jonathan to find his heritage. Well, he definitely finds something—as does Alex.
Quote #2
"He is looking for the town his grandfather came from." (1.14)
Chapter 1 sets us up for a classic quest story. Alex even calls Jonathan "the hero" multiple times. And he's on a quest for a certain town that may or may not exist. But real life doesn't always work out the way it does in stories, and Jonathan never does find his town. Wait—this is a story. We're confused.
Quote #3
I must eat a slice of humble pie for not finding Augustine, but you clutch how rigid it was. (4.4)
Translation: I'm sorry we didn't find Augustine, but it was really really hard. Explanation: We learn in Chapter 4 that the quest of Augustine failed, but we've still got a lot of book to get through. If they didn't find Augustine, what did they find on their journey?