Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Literature and Writing Quotes
I am so happy because you were appeased by the first division that I posted to you. You must know that I have performed the corrections you demanded. (4.6)
Memory and the Past Quotes
The what […] is not so important, but that we should remember. It is the act of remembering, the process of remembrance, the recognition of our past… Memories are small prayers to God, if we b...
Truth Quotes
Thank you, I feel indebted to utter, for not mentioning the non-truth about how I am tall. I thought it might appear superior if I was tall. (4.8)
Family Quotes
"One day you will do things for me that you hate. That is what it means to be a family." (1.4)
Fate and Free Will Quotes
Grandfather returned to his chair and said, "This is the final one. I will never do it again." (1.13)
Sex Quotes
Many girls want to be carnal with me in many good arrangements. (1.2)
Love Quotes
It was inevitable: Yankel fell in love with his never-wife. (7.34)
Religion Quotes
The goers of the Upright Synagogue had been screaming for more than two hundred years, since the Venerable Rabbi enlightened that we are always drowning, and our prayers are nothing less than pleas...
Tradition and Customs Quotes
[I] was at home enjoying the greatest of all documentary movies, The Making of "Thriller" (1.9)
Exploration Quotes
Father toils for a travel agency, denominated Heritage Touring. It is for Jewish people, like the hero, who have cravings to leave that ennobled country America and visit humble towns in Poland and...