Fallen Chapter 13 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 13 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Sheepishly, her father held up a colorful patchwork quilt and a large briefcase-style contraption made of wicker that Luce had never seen before. Usually, when they picnicked, it was a much more casual affair, with paper grocery bags and an old ripped sheet thrown down on the grass by the canoe trail outside their house.

"Pickled okra?" Luce asked in a voice that sounded very much like little-kid Luce. No one could say her parents weren't trying.

Her dad nodded. "And sweet tea, and biscuits with white gravy. Cheddar grits with extra jalapenos, just the way you like 'em." (13.18-20)

Quote 2

Luce wanted to give Penn a moment alone with her dad, so she got, took a step back, and turned away, heading down the slope toward the heart of the cemetery. (13.115)

Sometimes loneliness isn't a burden, but a necessity. Luce respects that here: she gives Penn a moment with her father—which is a nice thing to do, given that Penn has spent the whole day with Luce's parents.

Quote 3

Her eyes were still a little glassy, but she thought she could see someone sitting alone on top of the monolith. Yes. A guy with his arms wrapped around his knees. She couldn't imagine how he had gotten up there, but there he was.

He looked stiff and lonely, as if he'd been there all day... After such an emotional day with her own parents, the thought nearly brought Luce to her knees with sadness. Daniel was alone in the world. (13.116-118)

Although this happens right after Luce walks away from Penn, it needed its own analysis, given that the mood shifts so quickly. This is the first time we see a glimmer of vulnerability from Daniel since the prologue. And here, it's all the more significant because he's not putting on a show. We're also not inside his head: this passage comes purely from Luce's perspective.