Fallen Chapter 14 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 14 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Miss Sophia

Quote 1

"Oh yes, historians have traced them back to the Middle Ages. They were…A sort of research cluster, to put it in modern layperson's terms. They specialized in a certain type of fallen-angel folklore." (14.47)

If this isn't the biggest clue of all, it's second only to Daniel actually hearing Luce say he's a fallen angel. Miss Sophia's setting down some huge hints here—not only about Daniel's secrets, but also about the fact that she knows what they are and might very well be involved herself. Never invite Miss Sophia to any type of game involving secrecy and deception; she'll be universally bad at it.

Quote 2

The rain was coming down in sheets. The field outside was dark, except for the light that came through the library windows. It was so muddy and slick, it was hard to see anything at all. Then two figures sprinted out to the center of the commons. Both of them were soaked instantly. They argued for a moment, then started circling each other. (14.165-166)

Here the weather goes against both guys, pitting them against each other to test them—and serving as a disadvantage to both. We could say that this is God crying because his angel babies are fighting, but it's probably just for dramatic effect.