Fallen Chapter 8 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 8 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

"I can't get it out of my head," she said, rolling over on her side to face him. She didn't feel steady enough to sit up yet. "This feeling that I know you. That I've known you for a while."[…]
"Haven't we been through this already?" His tone had changed, like he was trying to laugh her off…"I'm flattered that you feel like we have this connection, really. But you don't have to invent some forgotten history to get a guy to pay attention to you." (8.133-134)

At this point, Luce's nagging memories are coming to a head, and instead of telling her the truth, Daniel shuts her down. Again, we know why he's doing it, but that doesn't mean it's not frustrating as heck to watch them do this dance in circles all the time.

Quote 2

Luce let Daniel lead her past the scrutinizing gaze of the girls and the little grove of half-rotted peach trees, around the back of the old church-gym. They were coming up on a forest of gorgeously twisted live oak trees, which Luce never would have guessed her tucked away there…

Now she was going into the bosky woods, the dark under the thick foliage pierced every so often by a small shaft of light from above. The stench of rich, dank muddle filled the air, and Luce suddenly knew there was water nearby. (8.106-107)

When they go out together, Daniel takes Luce takes to a secluded place, somewhere serene and lush, private and secluded—but also safe. There are no prying eyes, not even from statues, and that speaks to Daniel's personality. Unlike Cam, Daniel prefers to be away from the spotlight.

Quote 3

"She watched—feeling a confusing mix of deep embarrassment and even deeper temptation—as Daniel hoisted himself back up onto the shore. A shaft of sunlight bit through the trees and framed his silhouette with a glowing radiance, and Luce had to squint at the sight before her eyes…

The way the water shimmered in the sunlight, it almost looked like [Daniel] had wings. (8.159-163)

Here we get some more light imagery, but here it's used to prove a point and to indicate something that's been tickling the back of Luce's mind for quite some time now, even in her dreams. Is it too obvious for #spoileralert?