Food and Temptation Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Warm milk with a spoonful of treacle," he murmured sadly, his back still to her. Then he added sadly, "It helps you sleep." (Prologue. 17)

Here we see Daniel (not yet named) showing how much he cares for Luce (also not yet named, since we're in Prologue Land)—and how much he remembers about her character. Learning and remembering someone's eating habits is an intimate thing, and Daniel's concern for Luce's sleeplessness, paired with his wish to help her fall asleep, is especially telling: it suggests that he knows a great deal about her and cares for her a lot. It's also the only instance in the story when Daniel and food are connected; we usually Cam and food connected instead. Basically, Cam + food = potential danger, while Daniel + food = comfort and safety.

Quote #2

"Avoid the chicken-fried steak at all costs," [Arriane] coached as they followed the crowd into the din of the lunchroom. "The pizza's fine, the chili's okay, and actually the borscht ain't bad. Do you like meatloaf?"

"I'm a vegetarian," Luce said…

"Vegetarian, huh?" Arriane pursed her lips. "Hippie parents or your own meager attempt at rebellion?" (2.50-52)

This interaction shows two things. First, we see that Arriane is a good person to have around because she can walk you through the inner workings of the lunchroom with ease. Second, we see that Luce doesn't fit in here. The fact that she just doesn't like meat sets her apart from the other students—and it also makes it really, really hard for her to find suitable dinner options.

Quote #3

Ahhh, Tuesday. Waffle day. For as long as Luce could remember, summer Tuesdays meant fresh coffee, brimming bowls of raspberries and whipped cream, and an unending stack of crispy golden brown waffles. Even this summer, when her parents were acting scared of her, waffle day was one thing she could count on.


Luce sniffled, slowly coming to her senses, then sniffed again with more gusto. No, there was no buttermilk batter, nothing but the vinegary smell of peeling paint. (4.1-2)

The fact that Luce's parents still kept the routine of waffle day—even though their family was in the midst of turmoil and they thought their daughter was a murderer—shows how loving and supportive they are with her. It also indicates how into routine her parents are: we get a hint at that Luce's upbringing has been pretty straight-laced. There's a big discrepancy between her welcoming and waffle-infused life at home and the vinegary horror of Sword & Cross.