Fallen Quotes by Chapter


"Warm milk with a spoonful of treacle," he murmured sadly, his back still to her. Then he added sadly, "It helps you sleep." (Prologue. 17)

Chapter 1

Leaning forward to read the "Prohibited Materials" sign a little more closely, she saw that cell phones, pagers, and all two-way radio devices were strictly forbidden. […] Now she understood this...

Chapter 2

"Dad died two years ago," Penn said quietly. "They got as far as sticking me with the decaying old Headmaster Udell as my legal guardian, but, uh, hey never really got around to hiring a replacemen...

Chapter 3

She missed her parents, who'd stuck a Post-it on the T-shirt at the top of her bag—We love you! Prices never crash! She missed her bedroom, which looked out on her dad's tomato vines. She missed...

Chapter 4

And then the deep groan of something heaving startled them both. Luce gasped as the top of the marble statue teetered over them, like a tree branch swaying in the breeze. For a second, it seemed to...

Chapter 5

Arriane shrugged and produced a giant bag of popcorn from her carpetbag. "I can only look after so many new students," she said, tossing a buttery kernel at Luce. "Lucky you." (5.69)

Chapter 6

There was a row of pretty stained-glass windows, with only a few broken panels, spanning the walls near the high, arched ceiling. There were candlelit stone niches along the wall. A diving board ha...

Chapter 7

"What about your faith in the power of transformation?" Cam asked, fingering the shed skin. "That's what we're here for, after all." (7.70)

Chapter 8

"I can't get it out of my head," she said, rolling over on her side to face him. She didn't feel steady enough to sit up yet. "This feeling that I know you. That I've known you for a while."[…]"H...

Chapter 9

"Can't live on bread alone, can you?" [Cam] asked. (9.14)

Chapter 10

"Speaking of waiting for the right time," he said, "I was out the other day and saw this." He produced a small red velvet jewelry box and held it open for Luce to see.Penn nudged around Luce's shou...

Chapter 11

Daniel had carried her? As in…his arms around her body? The dream rushed back and the sensation of flying—no, of floating—overwhelmed her. She felt to tethered down to her bed…Her face grew...

Chapter 12

Everything about this service was inadequate and completely wrong. No one was paying Todd any respect by being here. The whole memorial seemed more like an attempt to teach the student how unfair l...

Chapter 13

Sheepishly, her father held up a colorful patchwork quilt and a large briefcase-style contraption made of wicker that Luce had never seen before. Usually, when they picnicked, it was a much more ca...

Chapter 14

"Oh yes, historians have traced them back to the Middle Ages. They were…A sort of research cluster, to put it in modern layperson's terms. They specialized in a certain type of fallen-angel folkl...

Chapter 15

She didn't want to glance back when she sensed the shadows spilling out of the door of the bar and brewing in the air. But the, she didn't have to. They flowed in a steady stream over her head, suc...

Chapter 16

"When you lose me," she said, feeling out the shape of the word in her mouth, "How does it happen? Why?""It depends on you, on how much you can see about our past, on how well you've come to know m...

Chapter 17

Yeah, she celebrated Christmas, she'd been to church a handful of times, and even when her life made her and everyone around her miserable, she still had faith that something there was someone or s...

Chapter 18

"Cam's right, Daniel," Gabbe said quietly. "Something's different this time…something about Luce. The cycle could be broken—and not the way we want it to. I mean…it could end." (18. 115)

Chapter 19

There were just the living opalescent shapes driving toward and around Luce's body, like a roomful of glowing feathers. They flocked to her, tending to her body in the places where the shattered gl...

Chapter 20

"I know cam gave you that gold necklace, too," Daniel said. Luce hadn't thought about that since Cam had forced it onto her at the bar. She couldn't believe that was only yesterday. The thought of...