Fanny Robin Timeline and Summary


Fanny Robin Timeline and Summary

  • Fanny bumps into Gabriel Oak one night when Oak first arrives in Weatherbury.
  • Fanny asks him not to tell anyone he saw her because she is trying to run away from the town.
  • We find out later that she is going to track down Sergeant Troy, a man who has promised to marry her. Gabriel gives her some money, so she thanks him and leaves.
  • Standing in the bitter cold, Fanny shows up outside Sergeant Troy's army barracks and calls up to him, asking him to come immediately to marry her. He tells her that he can't leave without permission, but promises they'll be married soon.
  • The day finally arrives for Fanny and Troy to get married. Fanny goes to the wrong church, though, and by the time she makes it to the right one, Troy is too fed up with waiting to marry her. He storms off.
  • Fanny finds out soon afterward that Troy has up and married Bathsheba Everdene, her old boss. She falls into a life of total poverty.
  • Fanny meets Troy on the road one day while Troy is travelling with Bathsheba. She tries to ask him why he destroyed her, but he sends her away and says he'll meet her in a few days. She tries to walk to Casterbridge, but dies after making it. We find out later that she was also travelling with a baby (hers and Troy's).
  • Sergeant Troy is overcome with grief and guilt when he hears about Fanny's death. He builds her a large tombstone and tries to plant nice flowers around her grave. But these flowers are washed away by rain.