Far From the Madding Crowd Resources


The Thomas Hardy Association

Think you're a big Hardy fan? Well, check out this association of people who really, really like the guy's work.

Thomas Hardy Society

Those folks over at the Thomas Hardy Association think they're the biggest Hardy fans, but the people at the Thomas Hardy Society disagree. You should see how ugly it gets when the two have their annual homecoming football game.

Thomas Hardy Website

The title is about as self-explanatory as it gets.

Movie or TV Productions

Far from the Madding Crowd (1967 Film)

According to the folks on IMDB, this version is pretty solid. Plus it has some really famous actors in it.

Far from the Madding Crowd (2015)

It's totally got Carrie Mulligan in it. Can't wait to see it? Good.

Articles and Interviews

The Novels of Thomas Hardy: An Introduction

What better way to get some context for understanding this dude's whole deal?

The Many-Sided Thomas Hardy

Check out this great article for a look into the many different sides of Thomas Hardy's personality.

Overview of Thomas Hardy

Here, you'll find all the background you need to be an informed reader of Hardy. And who doesn't want to be that? People who hate nature, that's who.


Far from the Madding Crowd (1998 Adaptation)

The whole thing is up online. So if you've got the time, check it out.

1967 Trailer

Here's a trailer for the first movie version of Hardy's book. It's not what we pictured Oak, Boldwood, and Troy to look like. But oh well.


Far from the Madding Crowd Audiobook

Because sometimes your eyes get tired of reading…

Far from the Madding Crowd Audiobook #2

You might not have liked the voice in the first one; or maybe you just want to throw on an audiobook that'll just go and go.


Hardy Middle-Aged

Just look at that glorious moustache.

Hardy Older

The 'stache just gets better with age.

Hardy with a Bike

We're just gonna go ahead and say it. The bike looks too big for him.